Devotion 3-28-24, Psalm 99:5- "Exalt the Lord our God And worship at His footstool; Holy is He." In the last century, people have been trained to believe that we may effectively compartmentalize our lives into "secular" and "sacred." We have been led to believe that there must be a separation and that those that want to mix them are wrong, misled, deluded, and even dangerous. A good, strong, thorough look at scripture will demonstrate the absolute foolishness of such thinking. Psalm 99, as well many others, intermingles both "sacred" and what is apparently "secular." Verse 4 says, "The strength of the king loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob." In these 2 verses, we see how our lives must be lived. All that we do, say, think, and feel must be based on God. There is to be no separation. We are to exalt God, worshipping Him because of His holiness. At the same time, because we worship God, we are to demonstrate justice, equity, and righteousness in every area of life. There is no such thing as "secular." It is a myth, a deception, a lie to distract. The truth is God and His influence is to direct our ways in every area of life. Without Him, we have chaos, injustice, unrighteousness, inequity, and a concentration on base human perceptions. God is not glorified; there is no thought of Him. Where God is exalted and worshipped for who He truly is, there is order and righteousness instead of hedonistic chaos. Assess where God is in your life. Is He first and directing everything, or is He in a box? Unless He is first, you are living a lie. Isaiah 6:3- "And one (angel) called out to another (angel) and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory.”
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