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Devotion's by Deborah

Devotion 2-26-24, Ephesians 3:16- "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man," Many of life's difficulties leave us feeling weak, as if run over by a truck. We are left wondering if we have sufficient energy resources to keep going. In ourselves, we do not. We hate to admit it, but on our own, we are weak human beings. However, we are not on our own. The Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the third part of the Godhead, lives in each one who has obeyed and asked for salvation through forgiveness of our sins. The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would come after His ascension into heaven, has come, and does live in each Christian's heart. The Holy Spirit, not us, has the unlimited resources from God. The Holy Spirit empowers us when we have no power. He blesses us with unlimited resources right at the point we are sure our resources are exhausted. Instead of laying down almost dead because of life's difficulties, God intends for us to rise up, strengthened, guided, and empowered. God's plan is to use the those very difficulties as a launching pad to display His power. In the difficulties, we become vessels, filled with God, useful to God. We become those to whom others in difficulty may come. We become strength for those who are weak, as we draw on the unlimited resources of the Holy Spirit in us. We demonstrate, live out, that drawing on the Spirit, so others may experience it as well. Our goal is to encourage others to fully depend on God's resources just as we fully depend on them. We become God's handiwork, His living example to others, who then may become living examples of God's unlimited resources. All praise goes to God!

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