Devotion 2-27-24, Isaiah 12:2- "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.” "I will..." it is a decision. We make thousands of choices every day. Those choices may result in significantly positive or negative results related to God. Will you, in the midst of your trouble today, declare to yourself and God, "I will trust (You God) and not be afraid"? You see, you may choose to trust Him, lean on Him, call on Him; or, you may choose to allow worry, fear and weakness to control your thoughts. God already knows every situation. He knows your tendency to want to control things. He knows your fear of the future. He knows! So why try to muddle through without Him? As you find yourself chewing on a problem, release it to God. As you find your heart rate increasing in fear, give the problem to God. Pray with intention - "I am fearing this thing, Lord, You take it and handle it, You direct my thinking, You take control and be my salvation!" Speak this verse out loud to yourself. God welcomes our dependence on Him. He will not ignore you. He will intervene. God is our strength when we are weak - which is most of the time. God is our song when we are afraid or attacked – which is often. God is our salvation - always! He welcomes our choice of Him. He welcomes our need of Him. Just as we welcome a small child into our arms, so He welcomes us. Romans 8:6 says, "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." Choose God, He is right there already, waiting for you!
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