Devotion 3-15-24, Numbers 14:11- "The Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst?" Unbelief, lack of faith, speaking against God - this is a short list of complaints God had against the Hebrew people coming out of Egypt. God's signs and plagues in Egypt led to their release from slavery. God turned bitter water sweet; God sent manna from heaven to eat. But, when God sent them to spy out their new land, a land where giants lived, they lost all trust and faith in God's ability to protect them. They cried and accused God of trying to kill them. God was not pleased! We are not very different. We accept good things from God's hands, thanking Him and praising Him for His provision. Then a problem appears, often a big problem, and we turn tail, running back to our unbelief. As long as life is good, we are fine; but, problems are the true test of our relationship with God. Our salvation does not eliminate problems, confusion, and grief. Our salvation, our personal trip out of Egypt, assures us of a relationship with Jesus Christ, based on what He did, not on us. Our doing is believing in faith. But, then there comes a problem, ours or a loved one's, and that faith is stretched. Faith is able to stretch all the way to heaven; but, that has to be a step of faith as well. Salvation is a choice, a decision. Faith in God, continuing in faith and trust, in the face of unbelievable opposition, is a decision. Or, unbelief is a decision. Will you follow the crowd, complaining and grieving God; or will you, in the midst of the storm, pull in close to God, resisting the temptation to hold God in contempt? Will you accuse Him or will you run into His arms? Either can happen. We are human. We often respond badly, realize our mistakes and run back to God. He loves us and will forgive; but, we could choose to draw into Him from the first. What will you do? Whom will you choose to trust, our Creator, Lord, and Most High God, or some lesser, untrustworthy substitute?
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